

Mrs Bartaby

Reception Teacher/EYFS and KS1 Lead

Miss Pedley

EYFS Teaching Assistant

Welcome to Reception

Mrs Bartaby is the Reception teacher and Miss Pedley is the Reception teaching assistant.

 At Connor Downs Academy, the implementation of our Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) curriculum ensures that our children can develop as independent, confident and successful learners. Community is at the heart of our classroom practice; our children have high aspirations and understand the value of making positive contributions to the world around them. Our goal is to ensure that all of our children are happy and engaged.

Through our curriculum, we provide an enabling environment in which each and every child can display high levels of concentration, creativity, engagement and persistence. The rationale behind this is that high levels of well-being and involvement foster positive development for children and facilitate deeper learning.

We believe that our children should be afforded daily opportunities to lead their own learning, initiating activities that are personally significant to them, derived from their own interests and ideas. As such, our EYFS curriculum is centred around our children. The adults play alongside the children, carefully observing their emerging interests. They then use their knowledge of each child's developmental needs to facilitate the acquisition of valuable skills, key knowledge and concepts and rich vocabulary. 

In addition to this, we recognise the role of the adult in enriching our children's learning opportunities beyond their immediate experiences. As such, adult-led learning opportunities linked to community, festivals, celebrations and awareness dates are woven throughout the Reception year. This combination of child-initiated and adult-led learning enables us to deliver a broad and balanced EYFS curriculum.

We value the principles of the unique child; we strive to ensure that our Reception children feel inspired and motivated to actively engage with our EYFS curriculum during their first year of primary school. We understand that the Reception year lays the foundations for successful progression into Key Stage 1 and enables our children to meet the statutory Early Learning Goals. At Connor Downs Academy, we passionately believe that all children deserve to flourish as independent, resilient and lifelong learners.

Through their engagement with our EYFS curriculum, our Reception children to embody the Characteristics of Effective Learning in all that they do, demonstrating their ability to:

  •      Play and explore
  •      Learn actively 
  •      Create and think critically
Please keep up to date with our learning by following the Connor Downs Academy Facebook and Twitter feeds. If you ever have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us. In line with our COVID-19 procedures, please contact the school office on 01736 753135 or email hello@connordowns.org.uk to book a phone call or meeting with us.

Connor Downs Academy
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