
School Behaviour

Behaviour at Connor Downs Academy


Our school is a happy and friendly place where children learn and thrive in a secure and caring community. Children are encouraged to develop respect and responsibility within a well ordered environment, where all staff have high expectations of appropriate behaviour. We teach children to acknowledge the effects of their behaviour on others.

Generally our children meet these expectations and their positive behaviour is promoted through our positive reward system, ‘Good to be Green.’ Negative behaviour is dealt with through ‘Good to be Green’ using a series of 'consequences' of which all of the children are aware. Assemblies allow opportunities for weekly reflection about attitudes, choices, emotions and feelings.

When you visit our school we feel sure that these positive attitudes will be evident in the behaviour you observe. However, as an additional support, we adhere to an assertive discipline policy and restorative practice.  There are clear routes of referral to senior staff should inappropriate behaviour occur regularly or be of a very serious nature. In these instances, parents will be contacted by the Key Stage Leader or Head of School.

Our Home-School Agreement emphasises a mutual commitment to good behaviour on the part of parents, each child and the school.

Good to be Green Behaviour Policy

At Connor Downs Primary School we aim to provide a caring, inclusive community where children develop the knowledge and skills to equip them for lifelong learning. Our environment supports, motivates, challenges and develops independence. We aim to foster our key values throughout every aspect of school life.


Our children contribute to deciding our school rules and they are discussed with the children regularly. All children and members of the school community are expected to behave according to them.


School rules

1. Care for everyone and everything.

2. Demonstrate good manners.

3. Always follow instructions.




Good To Be Green Behaviour System

In each classroom there is a chart displaying each child’s name and behind each name there are 3 cards which are used alongside positive reinforcement of the school code of conduct.


1) Green Card

Every child starts each day with a green card and in our school the vast majority of children will have a green card displayed behind their name all day. This is because they have been following the code consistently.

2) Yellow Card

Occasionally children will need a reminder of behaviour expectations in school. If a child needs reminding twice of our expectations they will be told to change their card to yellow. The child will then miss part of their break time to reflect on what they could have done better, (the time depending on the age of the child). The card will remain on yellow until the end of the day when the card will be changed to green ready to start the new day a fresh.

3) Red Card

If a child continues not to follow the code, they will be requested to change their card to red. The child will then be seen by a member of the Leadership team for time out. There may be very rare occasions where a child’s behaviour will take them straight to red e.g. physical fighting and verbal abuse. Once a child receives a red card it is recorded in the class behaviour book or in the Head of School's  behaviour book, if it is for physical or verbal abuse. Parents will be informed by telephone.


Rewarding Good Behaviour

We want to recognise the majority of children who are consistently following the ‘Good to Be Green Code’. There are various ways in which this will happen:

  • Green all day - Children who are green all day will be rewarded with a team point. For all children who are green all week, they will enter a prize draw to be rewarded in the Shine Assembly.

  • Green Time – each day that the child leaves school on a green card, they receive 5 minutes of ‘green time.’  Over the course of the week this adds up to 25 minutes which is taken as free choice time on an afternoon.  There will be a carousel of activities for them to choose from, sometimes with other teachers and children.

Connor Downs Academy
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