
Year 6

Miss Norton

Year 6 Teacher

Mrs Smitheram

Teaching assistant


Miss Norton is the Year 6 teacher and Mrs Smitheram is the Year 6 teaching assistant.
Year 6 have many fantastic topics and learning opportunities planned for your child’s final year at Connor Downs Academy.
Our PE day is Tuesday, although we advise the children have their PE kit in school each day ready for additional coaching sessions and after school clubs. 
The children must continue to read each night in Y6 and can change their reading books when needed.  Homework is given out on Friday and should be returned by Wednesday of the following week. 
The children are welcome to apply to become prefects or sports leaders during Y6 to build their confidence and independence. We strive to prepare the children for the next stage of their education, as well as celebrating and ensuring they thrive during their final year with us. 
Please keep up to date with our learning by following the Connor Downs Academy Facebook and Twitter feeds. If you ever have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the school office on 01736 753135 or email hello@connordowns.org.uk to book a phone call or meeting with us.

Connor Downs Academy
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