

We maintain exceptionally high standards of attainment and progress through continuous assessment and tracking of children’s learning in all national curriculum subjects. Through this on-going process, fully involving children in their personal assessment and progress judgments, we build a picture of all aspects of each child’s development. Assessment is informed by an ongoing dialogue with our children on a day to day basis.


Assessment takes many forms; we assess through discussion, marking and observation as well as using more formal procedures such as tests. Parents/carers receive information about progress in their child’s annual school report, but discussions regarding progress form a significant part of our termly parent consultation meetings.  Our home/school communication books also provide valuable ongoing dialogue regarding progress between parents/carers and staff. 

Key stages 1 and 2

Individual targets in English and Maths are discussed with children and shared with parents/carers each time they are set and achieved to ensure that parents are fully aware of their child’s next steps in learning. National Curriculum Tests (SATS) are administered at the end of each Key Stage i.e. KS.1 - Year 2 (to confirm teacher assessment only) and KS2 - Year 6. Teacher assessments are an integral part of the recording cycle of each child's progress. 

Termly assessments for all year groups are conducted.  Assessments are then moderated for reliability and accuracy within our academy key stage team. They are then moderated with teachers from other Aspire academies teaching in the same year group.  Finally, subject leaders sample 10% of each cohort's work in their specialist area for accuracy of assessment. Subject specialists focus on the accuracy of assessment across all ability groups through sampling, however they pay particular attention to the progress of the most able to ensure that there has been sufficient challenge and aspiration. This forms our '5 point' process of ensuring that our assessments are accurate, valid and reliable.


Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) 

In our Reception class we baseline each child's ability in a wide range of areas on entry and then closely monitor their progress towards the Early Learning Goals (ELG) during the year.  By the end of their year in Reception class, teachers measure each child's progress from their baseline entry information and judge their outcomes against the EYFS profile. Each child is given a numerical score of 1,2, or 3 for each area. 


The moderation of EYFS profile assessment and baseline assessment begins within our own academy with the Reception teacher and the team of Teaching assistants. This is then moderated by the Head of School.  Once the assessments have been agreed as accurate they are sampled by another EYFS leader in the Aspire hub. This information gathering may also be supported by LAs, or LA approved agencies, through a programme of visits and meetings. 


Phonics Screening 

This screening measures the number of Year 1 children who have achieve the required standard of phonic sound acquisition. It is taken in June and retested in Year 2 if the necessary standard is not met in Year 1.  Parents are informed of their child’s result in the summer term. The Year 1 teacher personally carries out this screening check so that they are familiar to the children. This helps to put our children at ease and they are not aware that their phonics skills are being officially 'screened.' 


Foundation subjects 


Teachers are challenged about the progress their pupils make towards targets in subjects such as history, geography, science, art and design technology alongside English and mathematics. Interventions are planned based on this information and may be linked to any areas of the curriculum.  For example, a child might be working at age related expectations (ARE) in English and mathematics but if they are working lower than this in history then they will receive small group or 1-1 intervention with a teacher or trained TA in this curriculum area. 


If you have any questions, comments or concerns about assessment in our academy please contact your child's class teacher or the KS Leader. Your views are always welcome.

Connor Downs Academy
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