
Ethos, Aims and Values

Mission Statement

Connor Downs Academy creates a caring, nurturing and challenging environment in which all pupils are encouraged to fulfil their potential and are given opportunities to flourish in a wide variety of curricular and extra-curricular interests. We are a learning community that challenges pupils to discover their talents, developing academically, spiritually and socially.


At Connor Downs we provide a supportive, family environment where young people are educated to be tolerant, socially responsible and independent of mind, equipping them for our changing world. We work on the principle that education should be child-centred; learners do better when they are engaged and there is joy and excitement in what they are doing.


Academy Ethos

The ethos of the academy is one of mutual support, friendship and respect for others. There is a positive emphasis on praise and encouragement. The academy has a system of awards for all pupils; we celebrate achievement through a structured reward process that encourages everyone to value their own and others’ achievement. A graduated system of responsibilities and privileges operates, to foster the development of responsive, independent individuals who are confident, happy and willing to help others.


We are committed to providing each and every pupil with a stimulating and supportive learning environment which celebrates their unique character and capabilities, allows them to be themselves and enables them to achieve to the best of their ability. At Connor Downs everyone has the right to experience success.


Our Vision and Values

  • Living and learning together to care for each other and our world values
  • Challenge and support for all to reach their potential
  • Care and respect for ourselves, others and the environment
  • Cooperation between school, home and the community
  • Consistency and fairness in our values and expectations
  • Courage and commitment to take risks, make decisions and see them through


  • Provide opportunities for everyone to become confident learners who reflect, innovate and create an exciting learning community.
  • Embrace the opportunities modern technologies offer for the benefit of all learners.
  • Make children aware of their impact on the environment and seek to empower them to make positive contributions through outdoor learning experiences.
  • Give children the chance to express themselves creatively to dream, compete, explore and discover.
  • Raise achievement through a commitment to high standards and expectations.
  • Provide active, cooperative and independent learning through dynamic high quality teaching.
  • Create an atmosphere where each child is valued as an individual, enabling them to develop a positive self-image, self- discipline and respect for others.
  • Ensure equality of opportunity at all times, so that each child is given appropriate support and enrichment.
  • Provide a welcoming, secure, stimulating learning environment with an innovative, creative and integrated curriculum.
  • Celebrate cultural diversity and work in partnership with other schools, colleges, parents and the wider community. 

Connor Downs Academy
School website design by eSchools. Content provided by Connor Downs Academy. All rights reserved. 2025