

Maths at Connor Downs 

At Connor Downs, we have adopted a mastery approach to the teaching of mathematics with a specific focus on developing fluency, reasoning and problem-solving skills. We use whole class teaching, taking pupils of all abilities through calculations and problems in detail, supported by high-quality resources and well-trained teaching assistants.  

Our statement of intent reads:

For every child to develop a sound understanding of Maths, equipping them with the skills of calculation, reasoning and problem solving that they need in life. 

Our motto for teaching maths is: 

Teach  Learn Challenge Understand 

This reminds us that the maths journey, starting in EYFS, through fluency, reasoning and problem solving is clearly aimed at every child having a deep understanding of each mathematical concept. 

At Connor Downs, we use the White Rose planning framework which ensures that children master objectives in their year group before moving on.

Any children who need additional input in order to consolidate a concept, have rapid and timely intervention from well-trained and passionate staff which ensures that the children are confident before moving on. 

We fully believe that a shared partnership between the school and home can have a beneficial impact on a child’s progress, so we actively encourage parents and carers to join their children on maths mornings and support them with their homework tasks. 

We embrace technology to motivate and capture the imagination of our learners. "Sumdog" is popular with our “mathletes” across the school to embed their learning while TT Rockstars has children challenging themselves to improve their fluency on their rapid recall of the times tables. 

Our maths subject leader works closely with the National Centre for the Excellence of Teaching in Mathematics (NCETM) to ensure he is up to date in all aspects of mathematics teaching and learning.  

Connor Downs Academy
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